Thursday, December 30, 2010

There's No I In Team

Boy am I excited! There is a new race coming this May that sounds AMAZING! It's called Hair & Hounds XC Race. It's a cross country race that will take place at the Plex, and not only is there an individual competition, but there is a team competition as well. In the next few weeks, I'm going to start to gather a co-ed XC team! It'll be awesome to have a racing team! More info to follow in the coming weeks.

Praise the Lord & run on!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A New Leaf

I have finally started running again...ok so I've only ran one day so far. It's a start! I ran a couple slow miles on the treadmill last night. It was much tougher than I anticipated, but it felt good to run again though!

In my time off since injury some key changes have occurred. I had a gait analysis and found out I have been running in the wrong type of shoes for the past few years (Stability). I now have the brooks Ghost 3 (pictured above),a cushioning shoe, which I ran in last night. They felt great! I have also been doing Power 90 with my wife Tera, and my friend Dawn. Power 90 has really been building my full body strength. With these changes I am in hopes that I will be able to stay relatively injury free in 2011!

As far as goals for 2011? I'm not sure as of yet. I know I'd like to run a fair amount of races, and hit some personal bests. I guess my grandest dream would be able to steer away from injury and get my mileage to the point where I can run a marathon in the fall! That would be AMAZING!

Praise the Lord & run on!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The heat is on!

Today's workout: 6 miles @ 8:32 

August 15th, 2010. This date marks my 1st running of the Hottest Half, held in Dallas, Texas. (FYI, I am actually running the Hottest 10K portion of the race, not the half.) I registered a couple of weeks ago, and ever since things have gone downhill. After registering I was diagnosed with severe allergies, and exercise induced asthma. So, am I registered...yes. Am I ready...heck no! Today was my first run in almost a month, I can hardly breathe, and this 10K is one of the hottest in the country. Dallas has an average temperature of 97 degrees in August! You know what though? I don't care! I'm doing this, whether my body likes it or not! As a famous inspirational speaker once said, "Git R Done!"

August 15th, 2010...pray for me!

Praise the Lord and run on!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Runners on Parade 5K Goals

This Saturday I'll be running the Runners on Parade 5K. It follows the parade route for the Three Rivers Festival. I ran this race last year and it was amazing! It's the largest 5K in Fort Wayne, and because you run it right before the parade starts, you have thousands of people lining the street cheering you on!

This year I'm running it with my nephew, Garrett! He's nine, and this is only his second race, but I'm thrilled to have him with me!

So, here are my race goals.

Overall time: 20:05
Race Pace: 6:27
Overall Place: Top 145
Age Group: Top 10

Monday, June 28, 2010

It's Was a Beautiful Day in Someone Else's Neighborhood

This past Saturday I was able to partake it what was the most fun and beautiful run I have ever embarked on!

Tera, Chloe, and I went with Pete and Jess up to Chicago to visit Jess's family. Pete and I on Saturday morning went to Lake Forest, Illinois, where we joined a large local running club on their weekly 6.25 mile long run. In addition to their normal large turnout, they hosted Brooks ID members such as myself in a Brooks sponsored fun run. Just to give you an idea of how beautiful Lake Forest is, if you search Lake Forest Real Estate you will find that the cheapest house in the whole town is going for just under $300,000, and is a 1 bed, 1 bath! The majority of the homes go for around $1,000,000 to $15,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!! They are absolutely gorgeous! So, the run took us through these neighborhoods, and also along some beautiful scenic Lake Michigan beachfront! Wow, is all I have to say! Simply amazing run! Great food afterward, got a free Brooks Visor and stickers, and the Lake Forest Running Club was so nice! What a great group of people to run with! Pete and I both agreed that when we go back, we'll definitely join them again!

Praise the Lord and run on!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fun Run This Saturday!

Today's workout: 3 miles @ 7:46

To say that I'm excited about this weekend would be an understatement! It should be an epic time with friends and family!

First of all, Tera, Chloe, and I will be taking our friends up to Chicago to visit their family (free stay for us!). We're thrilled to spend time with them and their family, and to get to spend time around Chicago. We hope to get to go to the zoo or at least the aquarium. Also, I'm going to get to play some disc golf with my friend and his father-in-law!

The main reason we're going though, and the cause of a good portion of my excitement is I'm attending an organized "fun run" with a group of my fellow Brooks ID members. There will be food, fun, running, and Brooks is even sending a company representative to chat with us and give us all free swag!!!  I like free!

So, I'm sure I'll have plenty to blog about in a few days!

Praise the Lord and run on!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Giving Up Gracefully

This last week has been absolutely crazy! The bank I work for was bought out a year and a half ago, but this week was the first week working for my new employer officially. It's been a nut house! Not only have I been dealing with all that, but also some patella tendinitis, and a strained calf in regards to my running.

I've taken a couple weeks off from serious running, and this week was my first back. It's gone....ok. I recently purchased a treadmill from my co-worker and I made the mistake of starting out on it instead of heading outdoors. Bad idea! Snoozefest! I instantly lost all passion for running! I tried running a tempo run on it yesterday and gave up 2 and a half miles in. Today I attempted the same work out, and even though I walked a tad, I completed it and got some of my lost passion back! The real good news though is there was no pain!

My next big challenge is my 7 mile long run I'm going to do this Sunday. I have a 6.5 mile fun run in Chicago with my running sponsor, Brooks, in a week and a half. If I can't complete this run Sunday, I might have some major issues when I head to Chicago! I think I'll be ok though, I did 5 today.

Last note before I stop babbling, Blogger has all new backgrounds!!!!   Sweet!!!! They even have running backgrounds (obviously!). I'm loving having a running backdrop to my running blog!

Praise the Lord and run on!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Three Rivers 12K Goals

This coming Saturday, I'm going to be running my first 12K. Can you say automatic PR?!?! Anyways it's hosted by our local specialty running store the Three Rivers Running Company. So, I'm feeling pretty good except for a touch of tendinitis in my left leg. Here are my race goals:

Finishing Time: 52:32
Race Pace: 7:02
Overall Finish: Top 45
Age Group: Top 15

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Run for Jesus 5K

The forecast Friday night looked disappointing. Thunderstorms all day, along with 15mph wind. I awake Saturday morning to some lite sprinkles, and a little bit of wind. I pick up my nephew, then my friend Kent. I pray that the rain holds off. We arrive at the race and I'm pleasantly surprised at the quality of the course. Very nice!

Fast forward to the race. It's about 50 degrees, very little wind, and no rain! Perfect race weather!

All three of us broke our goals! I ran a 20:54, and placed 4/93. My nephew ran a 28:49 and placed 32/93. Kent ran a 34:11 and placed 42/93.

I also got some swag! I got a Christian CD for 1st in my age group, and I won another CD as a door prize!

Overall, it was a great race! I loved the opportunity to spend some quality time with family and friends!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

3 days until I run for Jesus!

Today's workout: 1 mile warm-up, 3x800 @ 3:18, 1 mile cool-down

The run, walk, bike, drive for Jesus 5K is only 3 days away! The forecast as of today looks ok. The days high is 67, 11mph wind, and a tad bit of rain. I've ran in much worse!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Run 4 Jesus 5K goals

Today's workout: 6 miles @ 8:05 pace

One week until the Run for Jesus 5K! I haven't ran a 5K in a while, so it's difficult to come up with accurate goals, but I'm going to give it my best guess.

Overall time goal: 21:38
Mile Pace goal: 6:47
Place goal: ??? (No prior results to refer to)

Praise the Lord and run on!

Friday, April 16, 2010


I honestly don't know if I've ever been so excited about running as I have been this past week!

First off, one of my pastors/friends that has been off and on running for a long time now, is doing his 2nd race ever with me this upcoming weekend! I'm very proud of him for the effort he has been putting in to making himself a healthier person.

I am also extremely excited that my 9 year old nephew has shown interest this last week in running the same race with me! He's never raced before, and only ran in gym class. He's really excited to run with his uncle, and I'm excited to have a family member so interested in running! We've started doing some weekly easy runs, and I'm teaching him all that I know about my sport. I don't want to push him, but if he decides to continue running into middle school, I would be one thrilled uncle! I've always been the only Amburgey to run (at least any time recently).

I do look forward to running this race, but this time around I am more excited about the company I keep than the race I run. These are truly good times!

Praise the Lord and run on!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Friends and Firsts

Todays workout: 2 miles easy

My next race is going to be on April 24th, and I'm really excited! Not about the race though, but because I am going to be joined by a friend who will be running his 1st race ever (that I know of)! My friend Kent Scantlin who has been off and on running for a while now will run the Run for Jesus 5K with me! A race is so much better when you have friends by your side.

Praise the Lord and run on!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nutri-Run Wrap Up

This past Saturday, I ran my first race of 2010, the Nutri-Run 5 mile. There were actually two choices, the 5 mile or the 20K. Considering I just recently started training again after my injury, I was not prepared for the 20K.

My goals for the race were to keep under 8:00 miles and make it in the top 30. How did I finish? Averaged 7:15 miles, placed 20th overall, and best of all I clenched 1st in my age group! Instead of the typical awards, I received a large pineapple, and a carton of chocolate milk! Yum!

The race was great! I had a blast, and it was well run (thanks Casey). It was also more challenging than expected! Lots of hills over the first couple of miles! I also enjoy free stuff, and upon finishing you received a loaf of Panera bread, a commemorative glass, and a strawberry banana smoothy!

I had an awesome time, and I can't wait for my next race! (April 24th)

Praise the Lord and run on!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Good Times

You know what? Recovery is going great! I'm up to 10 miles a week, I'm pain free, and loving the warmer weather!

My first race of 2010 is only two days away! I'm pumped! I have a friend that I'm going to be running it with (Todd), which always makes a race more fun. This year instead of T-shirts, they're giving away "glassware" whatever that means, to the first 300 finishers. Sounds cool though. I'm going to be slower then normal, but I'm still shooting for top 30.

Praise the Lord and run on!

Monday, March 22, 2010

5 Days and Counting

Today's workout: 2 miles @ 8:00 pace.

Five days left until my first race of 2010! I'm not planning on any big PR, but it will be nice to have a little competition. The race is called the Nutri-Run, and there are 5 mile and 20K options. I'm definitely only doing the 5 mile. My goal is to be within the top 30. Last year there was around 140 total runners in the 5 mile, so that's not to bad I guess.

Praise the Lord and run on!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

YG 2010 season begins!

Today's workout: 3 miles @ 8:15

In addition to my normal Wednesday run, I also got to do some speed work today. When the time change occurs, that means one thing. Youth group football! It was a beautiful day for our season opener! Sadly though, I only scored one touchdown, and had many many poor plays. I'm pretty rusty. Oh well, it was still fun and I got a great workout.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Today's workout: 2 miles @ 7:55

So here's my goal for the Nutri Run 5 miler coming up in two weeks...finish. I've been off for so long, I've only run 3 miles at a time recently. It's going to be hard for me not to push myself, but to just hang back and relax. Maybe, if I'm feeling ok, I'll push it for the last mile. We'll have to see.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Registered for 1st race of 2010

I just licked the envelope to my first race registration of 2010, the Nutri-Run 5 mile! I'm excited! It's been since December since my last race, and I'm excited to see where I'm at with my training. I know I'm way behind where I was last year due to injury, but it will be nice to have knowledge of how far I need to go to get back to where I was.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wow! Really? Wow!

I have a running sponsorship through Brooks Running Company, and every year they send me a team uniform I have to wear to all my races. This years uniform is....different. Very bright, very small in length. If I saw a guy dressed like me toe the line at a race, I would think, "Man, I'm toast! He looks like a pro!" The problem with that is, I'm not! Especially since I've been off for so long. These first couple of races might be slightly embarrassing. Oh well, I'll at least have a good laugh prancing around in my neon undies.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


So, in last night's post, I mentioned the weight loss challenge that I was partaking in, but I didn't give you my starting weight. I'm currently at 177lbs. (In full work attire)

I also ran my first three miler this morning in a long time. It went pretty well at least for the first two miles. The last one was a tad rough. It felt good though to get through it.

Praise the Lord and run on!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Here we go...again!

Over the last few weeks I have been sporadically running two miles here and there. Tomorrow I will be officially stepping things up as my training schedule starts building towards spring races.

At work today, some fellow employees started a weight loss challenge. There was a $50 buy in, which I declined to partake in, so I'm just in the contest for the glory not to actually win any money. I've gained around twenty pounds since my lay off from running over the last few months. I really want to get that extra poundage back off, so I think this will be good motivation to do so.

I'm excited about what this year has in store for my running!

Praise the Lord and run on!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Man it's cold! Today, I again ran an easy two miles. This run was much different than the last few due to the frigid temps and fierce wind though. The weather tonight while running included a 30 degree temperature, 20 mph wind, and light snow. Brrrrrrr!!!! It was very slippery as well. I had to be very aware of my footing, making sure to take corners very slowly. I had enough bad spills on ice last winter! Spring, oh how I long for you!

Praise the Lord and run on!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Week 1 Complete!

This week was my first week of running in more than a month. Overall, it went better than expected. I only ran three days this week, two miles easy each day. There was little to no pain from the IT band. The only frustrating part is how difficult two miles felt to me. I was running thirty mile weeks a month ago. Oh well, I'll be back to full strength again soon. I can't wait to race again!

Praise the Lord and run on!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Facebook App!

I added a new Facebook Application today that was created by Brooks Running, It's called Brooks Running Club. I'm still learning the ropes but it seems like a great tool for any runner. It keeps track of your training schedule, milage on your shoes, helps you find local runners that are on par with your skill level, and much much more! Very nice! Thanks Brooks for the quality app!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Big Ol Feet

This weekend I ordered some new dress shoes from a store in the mall called, Aldo. My old ones are very very worn, and I thought this might be adding to my IT band problem.

I've never heard of the store but as soon as I walked in I felt out of place. It was fancy, and honestly I felt like I was not even fit to walk through the door. Anyways, after I interrupted the salesman on his cell phone, he told me that they did not have my size (11.5) in stock. For a $90 pair of shoes to be on sale for $44, I figured I would be able to wait until they arrived in the mail, so I ordered a pair.

I received them today, and I checked the size to make sure they were the correct size. As I twisted and turned the box I could not find the size. Then, I relized, they are 45D's!!! Man, 45D! My feet have grown by leaps and bounds! I'm going to have feet like my buddy Andrew Scantlin soon! Then I relized they are European shoes. Their sizing is much different than the good ol US sizes. Phew!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The 2 year old runner

Today was day two of my post injury running. It was another easy two miler, which went great! I averaged 8:08 miles and had absolutly zero pain! Not a bit! It was awesome! God is good!

When I returned home, I stretched and used my foam roller. As I relaxed for a few moments before taking a shower, my 2 year old daughter grabed my foam roller. She sat on the ground, and surprisingly used it very well. She ran it up and down her legs just like daddy! Then she got up, and told me she was going running, and proceeded to run throughout the house. How adorable! I love her so much!

Praise the Lord and run on!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

About Time!

After all my moaning and complaining, I finally did it. I went out and ran! It was only two miles, but I did it. There was still a little pain in the right IT band, but after some stretching and foam rolling, everything feels great. I'm preying that God keeps me healthy, and I'm taking as many steps possible to insure that is the case. It felt good. Very good, to have ran again. To wake up before sunrise and throw back a couple of easy miles, to feel the tiredness in my legs again, to feel that burn in my chest, knowing that I'm making myself a healthier person.

Here's hoping that I'm going to have a healthy 2010 in running.

Praise the Lord and run on!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ok, so ignore that last post!

So, I know I said I was going to attempt to run when I last posted. Here's the truth. I still have not run. I'm scared. I'm scared that the pain's going to come back. I'm scared that I'm going to have to stop running for an extended period of time. I'm scared that I'm going to have to go to the doctor. I'm scared. I have to try though. I just need to man up and go.

Across the room from me sits my running outfit (all Brooks of course). My alarm will be set for 5:30 AM. I will wake up. I will get dressed. I will run. If there's pain, thats ok. It's ok. I will not be afraid. I will see a doctor if that's what it takes to heal me. I will run consistently again someday. So, here goes. I will praise the Lord and run on!