Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A New Leaf

I have finally started running again...ok so I've only ran one day so far. It's a start! I ran a couple slow miles on the treadmill last night. It was much tougher than I anticipated, but it felt good to run again though!

In my time off since injury some key changes have occurred. I had a gait analysis and found out I have been running in the wrong type of shoes for the past few years (Stability). I now have the brooks Ghost 3 (pictured above),a cushioning shoe, which I ran in last night. They felt great! I have also been doing Power 90 with my wife Tera, and my friend Dawn. Power 90 has really been building my full body strength. With these changes I am in hopes that I will be able to stay relatively injury free in 2011!

As far as goals for 2011? I'm not sure as of yet. I know I'd like to run a fair amount of races, and hit some personal bests. I guess my grandest dream would be able to steer away from injury and get my mileage to the point where I can run a marathon in the fall! That would be AMAZING!

Praise the Lord & run on!

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