Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Big Ol Feet

This weekend I ordered some new dress shoes from a store in the mall called, Aldo. My old ones are very very worn, and I thought this might be adding to my IT band problem.

I've never heard of the store but as soon as I walked in I felt out of place. It was fancy, and honestly I felt like I was not even fit to walk through the door. Anyways, after I interrupted the salesman on his cell phone, he told me that they did not have my size (11.5) in stock. For a $90 pair of shoes to be on sale for $44, I figured I would be able to wait until they arrived in the mail, so I ordered a pair.

I received them today, and I checked the size to make sure they were the correct size. As I twisted and turned the box I could not find the size. Then, I relized, they are 45D's!!! Man, 45D! My feet have grown by leaps and bounds! I'm going to have feet like my buddy Andrew Scantlin soon! Then I relized they are European shoes. Their sizing is much different than the good ol US sizes. Phew!

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