Thursday, February 24, 2011

Two Comments on a Winter Day

Today's workout: 2 miles @ 8:53

Comment #1: I live in Indiana. It is inevitable that we will have snow. I love running in snow showers but I dislike running in deep snow. I do, however, enjoy grudgingly hitting my snow covered running routes and seeing no other footprints in the snow but my own from days before. It reminds me of my dedication to the sport, and at how crazy I am compared to the normal human being.

Comment #2: Today was a first for me. When I started my run today, the roads themselves were wet, but not icy. As I was running I witnessed the transition of the wetness to ice as the temperature went from 33 to 32 degrees. It was pretty amazing to watch the reflective streets transition to sparkling, shimmering sheets of glass.

Praise the Lord and run on!

1 comment:

  1. Those were my footprints. I dropped my doughnut, and I was looking for it.
